Buy Clomid – Beligas Pharmaceuticals
Positive points of Clomid Beligas Pharmaceuticals
- nontoxic
- Triggers the endogenous production of testosterone in the testicles
Information about Clomid Beligas Pharmaceuticals
Clomid is composed by oral clomiphene citrate. Clomiphene citrate is not an anabolic steroid but a synthetic estrogen hormone which is used for the purpose of bodybuilding fighting against a number of hormonal imbalances caused by taking anabolic steroids. The clomid helps restore the normal levels of testosterone after the treatment and prevents the estrogen present in the body from acting and thus avoids the effects related to it, including in particular gynecomastia.
Clomid is primarily a fertility drug that was created to stimulate ovulation in women who have difficulty becoming pregnant. This molecule also has the property of stimulating endogenous testosterone production in men inside the testicles, By increasing the secretion of the hormones LH and FSH. It is this last property that interests bodybuilders because they undergo some hormonal imbalances when they use steroids, especially when these steroids are strong androgens. Many of androgens, especially the strongest such Oxymetholone have the unfortunate effect of bring down the natural production of testosterone in the body for the duration of the steroid cycle. This is easily explained if we consider that the provision of external androgen obviates the production of testosterone by the body since these androgens produce the same effect as testosterone.
The body therefore reacts by stopping the production of testosterone, since it is no longer necessary during the cycle time. The trouble is that after the end of the cycle, metabolism does not immediately boost the production of testosterone which has become dangerously low. It is therefore urgent to stimulate if we are to avoid a serious accident metabolism by weight loss and catastrophic force. Therefore bodybuilders use Clomid, which triggers the production of endogenous testosterone in the testes, and therefore avoids the accident.
Athletes demonstrate that a daily dose of 50 to 100 mg Clomid helps restore normal testosterone levels in 2 weeks. However, before starting treatment with Clomid, bodybuilders typically use Vitagon HCG also helps increase the production of endogenous testosterone, but the action is much faster. Vitagon HCG is used first to raise the testosterone levels of the subject immediately after the end of the cycle, then the treatment is continued more sustainable with Clomid.
At the end of the cycle, there is often a risk of gynecomastia in the processing of estrogen steroids, because these substances have in spite of their very different effects, very similar chemical formulas. By occupying the receptor cells of estrogen in place of it, Clomid prevents estrogen present in the body to act and avoids the effects associated with it, including gynecomastia in particular.
Clomid is non-toxic and free of side effects. Bodybuilders have very rarely undesirable effects with clomid, except sometimes in rare cases some flashes or some vision problems. However, it is not recommended to use Clomid over a period of more than 2 weeks in case the previous visual disturbances come to appear, it is best to stop the treatment immediately.
50 to 100 mg daily for 2 weeks is sufficient to restore normal levels of testosterone in the body.