TRESTOLONE ACETATE – Magnus Pharmaceuticals




Trestolone Acetate


50mg/ml Trestolone Acetate (10ml VIAL)

Side effects

hair loss, severe prostate hypertrophy, deepening of voice, acne, aggression, gyno, fat gain, bloating, and increased blood pressure.


20-50mg per day for an experienced user.  This dose will be dependent on the form of trestolone that is taken. The oral and transdermal dosing may be slightly higher than the injectable form. An aromatase inhibitor such as Arimidex and a prolactin inhibitor such as Cabergoline should be on hand for prolactin and oestrogen related side effects.

This product will most likely be used when bulking and adding mass is the priority. It could be stacked with other steroids to increase hardening, bulking, or cutting effects. Stacking this product with Testosterone at 250-500mg/wk one could expect mass gains upwards of 15-20lbs and astronomical strength gains in only 8-10wks.

For anyone who is interested in bulking or cutting, Trestolone Acetate is useful for both purposes. Cutting allows athletes to reduce as much fat as possible without sacrificing their muscle mass. When bulking, the main goal is to build as much muscle and strength as possible. Trestolone Acetate achieves both results, aiding bodybuilders and weight lifters as they work persistently to hone their bodies. The fat is burned off more effectively while the muscles continue to grow larger.

In order to get the most out of Trestolone Acetate, it is absolutely necessary to used a comprehensive approach. Proper diet to add muscle and eliminate fat is essential. An effective workout routine must be maintained as well. When combined with the use of Trestolone Acetate in the prescribed amount over a prolonged time period, results will be noticeable.


Trestolone, also known as MENT, is one of the more potent steroids/hormones created to date. It is being researched as a male contraceptive as it can quickly cause male infertility in small doses. It is nearly as strong as its 17-alpha-alkylated brother Mibolerone, Cheque Drops, but without the staggering liver damaging effects.  It is a 19Nor hormone, which makes it a Nandrolone derivative.  It is very similar to Nandrolone, which is the base steroid in Deca, but with a 7-alpha-methyl attached.  This means it is Nandrolone derivative without the 5-alpha-reduction, similar to the make up of Trenbolone (Tren).  The difference between Trenbolone and Trestolone is this:

Tren does not aromatize while Trestolone does. Aromatizing occurs when the hormone is converted into oestrogen in the body. This is good and bad. The good news is that this means increased GH and IGF production and extra strength. Contrary to popular belief, this can also help with libido problems commonly associated with Nandrolone-based hormones. The bad news is that oestrogen related side effects such as gyno and water retention are more likely to occur. On paper, Trestolone is WAY stronger than Testosterone. Its androgenic and estrogenic character will be similar to those of Tren and Deca, but it’s muscle building hypertrophic ability should be higher than both of the latter.  It is available with the acetate ester attached which means that daily dosing is optimal to keep blood levels stable.
