What is the need for venous bodybuilding?

In the world of bodybuilding, venosity occupies a special place, since it is often the indicator of the level of fitness of an athlete. Venosity not only demonstrates a low percentage of subcutaneous fat and development of the cardiovascular system, but also makes the muscles more visible, emphasizing them (especially if the blood vessels are proportionally formed throughout the body).

What determines the venousness on the body of an athlete?

The ability to achieve this phenomenon most often depends on the structural features of the organism: in some athletes, the veins are located close to the skin, and in others – exactly the opposite. Also, the problem of the development of the appearance of the circulatory grid may be the thickness of the skin. But still, the strategy for all of them is the use of a special style of training, a reduction in the percentage of subcutaneous fat (drying), and the possible use of special pharmacological preparations and sports nutrition.

How to improve the visibility of veins?

There are many answers to this question, which we will examine:

1) Intense training in the style of “pumping”.

The essence of this method lies in the high number of repetitions (15-25) with a relatively small weight (about 40-50% of the maximum). All movements must be carried out slowly and under control, with the “feeling” of the working muscle group. It can also be applied the method of “drop-sets”, which is a “kicking” of muscles with light weight after reaching failure without rest between approaches.

For example, you made 3 sets of leg presses, on the 4th approach you put up weight, with which you can do an exercise for 4-6 repetitions. Perform 4 approach to failure, then without a break, remove two pancakes, immediately performing the approach to failure. Then again, remove 2 pancakes and perform the exercise to failure. In this case, it is desirable that you do not remove the pancakes from the simulator, but someone. In order not to waste time (get up, remove pancakes, sit back at the simulator, etc.).

When performing drop-sets, be sure to use the help of a friend in the hall. The number of “complementary” sets is rarely limited to one. Only it is necessary to take into account – athletes who are poorly fed, do not comply with the regime (do not use farm. Support) and other subtleties in the BB, this method (especially its toughened variations) can be damaged, causing only overtraining and intense muscle pain that is not followed by subsequent growth.

Of course, this does not mean that you do not need to resort to this training method. You just need to understand that after hard training, the body needs nutrients in large quantities, especially on the course.

2) The use of sports nutrition supplements such as arginine, histidine and citrulline.

These drugs significantly increase the synthesis of nitric oxide in the body, thereby contributing to a stronger “pampa” of muscles during exercise and the severity of the venous network. In addition, such supplements improve the delivery of nutrients to muscle tissue, potentially affecting muscle growth. To achieve venousness, they are, in the opinion of many bodybuilders, the best choice.

3) Dieting.

Often the veins are invisible not because of their poor development, but because of the large amount of subcutaneous fat. Therefore, first of all you need to try an effective diet, and only then, if the desired effect was not achieved – pay attention to the pharmacology and the training process. Understandably, we are talking about performing athletes. Venousness ordinary man in the street or a fan of iron – to anything.

4) The use of pharmacology, increasing the number of red blood cells (and therefore – and blood volume).

The first rows of this list include testosterone, nandrolone and oxymetholone. Although this effect can have almost any androgen-anabolic drug. Differences will be only in the severity of this effect. Also, many steroids can have a fat burning effect, which to a large extent affects the visibility of the veins.

Pros and cons (summarize)

Everyone wants to look attractive, sometimes brutal. The presence of proportionally developed, protruding from under the skin of the veins, visually significantly improve the shape of the athlete. But, in addition to an obvious plus, there are some more significant disadvantages. When working on venousness, the athlete must observe a fair amount of caution.

This can be explained by the fact that many of the drugs used can have serious side effects on the cardiovascular system, increasing the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes and many other side effects with their illiterate use. Also, the excessive development of venous and capillary networks can cause varicose veins (especially in the female sex). According to this, if a person has a predisposition to this disease, it is best to take care of yourself and your health.

In short, before catching fire on the goal of achieving venousness in bodybuilding, it is worth weighing all the pros and cons. Especially pronounced veins and a very low percentage of fat are more a prerogative of professional athletes than ordinary gym visitors who wish to improve their shape and health (which, by the way, among high-level athletes is sometimes far from the first place).

Practice wisely!
