Author: root

Special training for the legs

To swing legs, this means exclusively, to work on the legs in the process of training, neither the back, nor the chest, only the legs. This is due to the fact that what we are doing with our legs, for example, on our backs, does not go through with our legs. So we add a

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Rock your biceps! Forward to the victory!

Today we will talk about the foundation, which should be laid, namely about the complex of exercises for biceps, which you will still pierce the biceps by doing. Foundation of pumping: 1) Biceps workouts will be done once a week with triceps. But we will change the sequence in the exercise: in one workout we

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We build broad shoulders – 5 exercises

Every bodybuilder wants to have broad shoulders in his arsenal, which will be literally covered with powerful muscles. And I must say that if your shoulder muscles train hard and work hard, you will have them. Unfortunately, there is no secret formula for lazy people who will give you Herculean shoulders for one night, but

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2 types of anabolic steroids

Before buying steroids, many people have a natural question in their head, and which steroids are better to choose, because there are several varieties. What is better – injections or oral medications? In this article we will try to figure it out. One of the most important male hormones is testosterone. It is produced by

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Why do you need Proviron: during and after the course?

The drug Proviron is based on a substance called mesterolone. Therefore, its international name sounds like mesterolone. This is an androgen, which is called a sexual drug, as its initial effect occurs on the libido. Proviron is taken in pills. If you decide to buy Proviron, the first step is to familiarize yourself with the

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How adrenaline affects people

At the time of production of a high dose of adrenaline, the body is able to work at its limits. But is it necessary in sports? Is there an effect of increased adrenaline in the blood during training? It has long been known that the adrenal glands are responsible for the release of adrenaline into

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Clenbuterol: Uses, for Weight Loss, and More

Clenbuterol for weight loss is an effective drug, whose effectiveness today is not in doubt among athletes, who with its help were able to get rid of excess weight. Clenbuterol is the most popular fat burner. For the first time about him talking as a drug intended for the medical treatment of asthma and bronchial

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The secrets of the relief and inflated press

Relief and pumped up press is a mandatory feature of all performing athletes. In the amateur bodybuilding there are very few owners of beautiful press with cubes, but the majority strive for this. Many athletes simply do not know how to effectively train the press and what is needed to get the cubes. In this

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Winter workout: five recommendations for muscle gain

With the arrival of springtime heat and time when you can take off your winter clothes, everyone wants to look slim and fit, and spring is the best time to work on the relief. But winter time, or rather, from the beginning of October to the end of February, is the most optimal for mass

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Killer relief training program

The training program for relief is a topic that is relevant not only for those who have long been engaged in the gym, but also for beginners who have already gained a certain mass and want to get rid of the fat layer that hides the muscles and give them relief. The training program, which

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Beach Jock or a bodybuilder – How to train and eat for different purposes

Not everyone trains with the same goal. Serious bodybuilders work with heavy weights to build impressive muscles and build a balanced physique. If you want to be just a slim, pumped up guy with bumpy muscles, you need to eat differently and do less strength exercises. Every guy in the workout has a certain vision

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State of overtraining – What to do with overwork?

The state of overtraining can very quickly affect sports results – they will get worse and worse. The state of health, which manifests itself in the form of chronic fatigue, arising from excessive loads in training – is overtraining an athlete. This condition will very quickly affect sports results – they will become worse and

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